1. In NetSuite, go to Lists → Relationships → Customers

  2. Search here for the Internal ID column and Email column using the view named "Annalina_Edify_NetSuite_ID_Procedure_Customer_All_View"

  3. Export the search results as a CSV file.

  1. Open Navicat and go to the “Netsuite_Customer_Data” table.

  2. Above the top of the table, click the “Import” button. This will open the import dialogue.

  1. On the import dialogue, use the following directions.

    1. Use CSV file format.

    2. Choose to import the CSV file you downloaded from NetSuite in step 6.

    3. Leave the additional source options  as their default values as shown below.

  1. The target table should be “Netsuite_Customer_Data” as shown below.

  1. Arrange the field mapping as shown below.

  1. Choose the “Copy” import mode as shown below.

  1. Click “Start” and wait for the process to finish.

  1. Once the import into Navicat is complete, run the following update statement in "Format_NCD_Table.sql" document.

  2. Then, run the query in the "NS_DATA_IMPORT_FINAL.sql" document to collect the data that will be imported back into NetSuite.

  3. Export the results of the query from step 11 using the “Export Results” button located at the top of the window where the query was run.

  1. Use the following settings during the export.

    1. Select “Export Current Result” from the dialogue box.

  1. Choose any convenient place to save the file.

  2. In the additional options, check the box for “Include column titles” and do not change any other options.

  1. Click the “Start” button to begin the export.

  1. Open NetSuite again.

  2. Next, go to Setup → Import/Export → Saved CSV Imports

  3. From the list of saved imports, click on the RN_Update_edify_sso import.

  4. Make sure the settings are correct on the Scan & Upload CSV File tab:

    1. Import Type: Relationships

    2. Record Type: Customers Only

    3. Character Encoding: Unicode (UTF-8)

    4. CSV Column Delimiter: Comma

  1. Once the settings are correct, upload the CSV file that was created in step 12.

  2. Make sure the settings are correct on the Import Options tab:

    1. Data Handling: Update

  1. Leave the File Mapping tab alone.

  2. Set the mapping on the Field Mapping tab:

    1. SSO id is paired with Customer: SSO Id

    2. Edify id is paired with Cumster: Edify Id

    3. Internal ID is paired with Customer: Internal ID

  1. On the Save mapping & Start Import tab, do not alter any of the fields. Only select the drop down arrow on the Save & Run button. Click the Run button.