Provide Teacher Pay Data to Accounting

Procedure should be run on the first day of each month after 12:00AM EST

Run query TeacherPay.sql

The query produces three result tabs (TeacherPay2223, TeacherPay2324, and TeachPay2425)

Between December 2022 and May 2023:

Open the TeacherPay22-23 Google workbook:

Copy the field names and data from result tab TeacherPay2223 into the tab(cell A1) corresponding to the current month

In the month of June 2023:

We need to report data in two Google workbooks, both have a Jun23 tab:

We report the 2022-2023 data in the TeacherPay22-23 Google workbook

Open the TeacherPay22-23 Google workbook:

Copy the field names and data from result tab TeacherPay2223 into the Jun23 tab(cell A1)

We also report the 2023-2024 data in the TeacherPay23-24 Google workbook

Open the TeacherPay23-24 Google workbook:

Copy the field names and data from result tab TeacherPay2324 into the Jun23 tab(cell A1)

From July 2023 through May 2024:

Open the TeacherPay23-24 Google workbook:

Copy the field names and data from result tab TeacherPay2324 into the tab(cell A1) corresponding to the current month

From July 2024 through May 2025:

Open the TeacherPay24-25 Google workbook:

Copy the field names and data from result tab TeacherPay2425 into the tab(cell A1) corresponding to the current month

After entering data in the Google workbook(s) send an email to to inform the task has been completed. Please include a link to the Google workbook(s) in the email message.


-- NAME:TeacherPay2223

SELECT lastname,firstname,Enrolled,CourseName,Section,SeatType,Term

FROM v_rpt_Teacher_Schedule_With_Enrollments_2022_2023

WHERE Term IN ( '2022-2023 School Year', '2022 Summer A', '2022 Summer B' )

ORDER BY lastname, firstname ASC;

-- NAME:TeacherPay2324

SELECT lastname,firstname,Enrolled,CourseName,Section,SeatType,Term

FROM v_rpt_Teacher_Schedule_With_Enrollments_2023_2024

WHERE Term IN ( '2023-2024 School Year', '2023 Summer A', '2023 Summer B' )

ORDER BY lastname, firstname ASC;

-- NAME:TeacherPay2425

SELECT lastname,firstname,Enrolled,CourseName,Section,SeatType,Term

FROM v_rpt_Teacher_Schedule_With_Enrollments_2024_2025

WHERE Term IN ( '2024-2025 School Year', '2024 Summer A', '2024 Summer B', '2024 Summer C' )

ORDER BY lastname, firstname ASC;

NOTE: Procedure will require maintenance in June of 2024: creation of new query with new view v_rpt_Teacher_Schedule_With_Enrollments_2024_2025, new Google workbook TeacherPay24-25