There are two means of communicating with IT, Incidents and Requests. They are detailed below.


Incidents are exclusively intended for technical issues. 

If an issue arises, navigate to the portal and select the New Ticket button to the top right of the home page and fill out the required information.


Requests are tasks sent to the IT department that are not technical issues e.g. a new reporting request, a typo fix, new hardware, etc.

There are four total request categories: General Requests, Hardware and Software Requests, Reporting Requests, and VeritasPress Marketing Requests.

To request new Hardware or Software from IT, submit a Hardware and Software Request by visiting this link and filling out the required information.

To request a report from IT, submit a Reporting Request by visiting this link and filling out the required information.

To request a marketing modification from IT, submit a VeritasPress Marketing Request by visiting this link and filling out the required information.

If the request does not fall into any of the above categories, submit a General Request by visiting this link and filling out the required information.

If an agent responds with a question or reply for either an incident or a request, log back into the portal and click on Tickets to view the ticket and response. Eventually, if the agent deems that the issue has been solved, he will mark the ticket as resolved and close it. You will receive an email confirmation when this occurs.